Breeder of Quality Working German Shepherds and Border Collies in Michigan




VD Uriah Heep Orrylordblack ZVV1

AKC pending and CMKU DS/106966/17

Hips A/A and Elbows 0/0 (Czech)

Spine Normal (Czech)

MDR1 clear

VWD1 clear

HU clear

uriah heep orrylordblack

Urri was imported from the highly regarded Czech kennel Orrylordblack. She is a new addition to my kennel, and I look forward to continuing her training in IGP. Uriah is a very high drive and powerful female in all three phases. Her tracking is very methodical, drivey, and easy. Her obedience is very happy and fun to work. Her protection is very intense and full of fight. She has easily adapted to living in my house. Urri has a spectacular temperament and is great and gentle with children.

Urri has a top pedigree with her sire VD Jaro Ja-He IPO3, ZVV3 Czech Champion, 3x FCI, WUSV, 4x MMKNO, 4x CACT, 3x reserve CACT. He has been a top producer of strong working dogs for many years. He has sired many greats such as Bordy Blendy, Qvido Vepeden, Jetrho Orrylordblack, Chees ze Svobodneho dvora, Naomi Vepeden, Nitika Vepeden, Ax Rebelling, Quattro Vepeden, and Dula od Zbojnika to name a few competing at high level national and international championships. Her mother Xerra Vikar is a stron working dog and producer of many excellent working dogs. She has prosuced a good number of health tested and titled offspring with multiple studs. Her sire Angbacken's Rosso is WUSV champion and he competed four times total in the WUSV chmpionship in addition to the FCI and national championship. Her motherline is also exceptionally strong and full of power and drive.


2020 Goals: BH, IGP1, AD, Kkl


Additonal Picture and Videos Here

Health Certificates Here



3-3 Tom van't Leefdaalhof

4-4 Yoschy von der Döllenwiese


SUCHNO 53859/06 (CMKU 67999/07/06/08)
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

Kör: 5V1/P 2009-2010

SG Ellute von der Mohnwiese SCHH3, IPO3, FH1, (2X BSP) 

SZ 2036438
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

SG Tom van't Leefdaalhof WUSV WORLD CHAMPION 1999, SCHH3, IPO3, IWR3 

LOSH 745029 (SZ 2018398)
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

SG Qerry von Haus Antverpa 4X WUSV, SCHH3, IPO3 

SG Ruth van 't LeefdaalhofSCHH3, IPO3

V Aline von der MohnwieseSchH3, FH1, WUSV 

SZ 1905152
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

V Yoschy von der Döllenwiese(BSP & V-LGA) SCHH3

Biene vom Deufringer SchloßSCHH3, FH

SG Jola vom Ortenberg SVV1 

SZ 2120497
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

V Ury vom Fuchsgraben SCHH3 

SZ 2031758
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

V Quax von der Fasanerie SCHH3 (SG BSP) IPO3 FH1

SG Queni vom Fuchsgraben SCHH3(SG-BSP) FH2

Asta von den Wutachauen SchH1 

SZ 1902285
HD-fast normal

SG Pablo vom KörbelbachSchH3 IPO3 FH

SG Assi vom Neuzeller Brunnen SchH

SG Xerra Vikar ZVV1, IPO2 

CMKU 81541/11
HD-HD Normal (Czech Republic)

V Ängsbackens Rosso WUSV CHAMPION 2007, SCHH 3, BHP 3, IPO 3 

SKK 5879201
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

V Kimbo von Karthago SCHH3 (BSP) IPO3 FH2 
SZ 2023404
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
SG Theseus von Karthago SchH3 FH1 
Flexie von Karthago SCHH3 
Satoris Yolly UHP, BHP3, IPO3 
DKK 07572/97
HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2)
V Aly vom Vordersteinwald SCHH3(G-BSP), FH2 
SG Satoris Silla BHP3 

SG Bonny von der Germanenquelle SCHH3, IPO3 

SZ 2126037
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

SG Tom van't Leefdaalhof WUSV WORLD CHAMPION 1999, SCHH3, IPO3, IWR3 

LOSH 745029 (SZ 2018398)
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)

SG Qerry von Haus Antverpa 4X WUSV, SCHH3, IPO3

SG Ruth van 't Leefdaalhof SCHH3, IPO3

SG Lady von der Germanenquelle SCHH3, IPO2

V Yoschy von der Döllenwiese (BSP & V-LGA) SCHH3 

V Boa von der Germanenquelle SCHH3, IPO3